Choose the Right Plan for Your Music Distribution

Unlimited Plans
Pay Per Release
New Artist

Kick-start your career with unlimited releases to Social Platforms.

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Rising Artist

The essential distribution plan. Release unlimited music to 150+ Digital Stores across the globe.

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Breakout Artist

Release unlimited music plus advanced features to customize your releases.

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The premier plan for labels and industry pros. Release unlimited music plus access to premium products and services.

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New Artist
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Rising Artist
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Breakout Artist
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Unlimited Releases to all Social Platforms
Earn money from TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube (20% fee)
TuneCore Rewards Master Classes
Official Sales Reports
100% Revenue from Digital Stores
Schedule Your Own Release Date
Choose when your release goes live
Unlimited Releases to all Digital Stores
Spotify Verified Artist Checkmark
Apple Music for Artists Verification
Artist Revenue Splits
Customer Service Response Time
5 Business Days3 Business Days2 Business Days1 Business Day
Store Automator
Daily Trend Reports
Cover Art Creator
Optimize your own artwork or select from dozens of customizable album art options
Use Your Own ISRC
Access to Exclusive Partnerships
Select partnerships like Tidal, Twitch and more
Promotional Opportunities
Access TuneCore exclusives like Artist Portal, Brand Ambassador, Store Awareness, Twitch
Pro Panels & Expert Advice Sessions
Small group workshops with industry experts
Custom Label Name
Release under your own independent label
Use Your Own UPC
Release Level Country Restrictions
Control which countries can access your release
Recording Location
Cost Per Additional Artist Profile

TuneCore Testimonials

How much does TuneCore cost?

It’s up to you! TuneCore users can release music with one of our Unlimited Plans or choose to pay-per-release. All Unlimited and pay-per-release plans offer no-cost distribution to social media platforms. Suppose you want your music sent to 150+ digital music stores and social media platforms worldwide. In that case, you can upgrade to one of our Rising, Breakout, or Professional Artist Plans starting at $22.99/year

If you want to pay as you go, you can upload singles to more stores and social media platforms for $22.99/year and albums for $39.99/year. For more information

How much does TuneCore pay per stream?

Whatever you earn. While each music streaming platform uses a different residual model, TuneCore makes sure you get 100% of what you earn from streaming platforms (like Spotify) and 80% from every social media platform (like Instagram)

Can I Upgrade or Downgrade my Plan at Any Time?

Absolutely! TuneCore Artists can upgrade or downgrade their distribution plans anytime, subject to eligibility. If you want to upgrade, you can do that from your account dashboard. If you need to take a step back, you can downgrade by contacting Artist Support.

Are There Any Hidden Fees with TuneCore?

There are never any hidden fees when distributing music through TuneCore. TuneCore Artists get 100% of your revenue when distributing music to 150+ Digital Store Partners and 80% of your income when distributing to Social Platforms.

The Power of Collaboration

with TuneCore Splits

It’s time for all of your collaborators to get paid easily. Split streaming & download royalties between all contributors on any track or album.

Breakout Artists, Rising Artists, and Pros get Splits free, with no commission fees.